Staci K. Haines – Embodied Hope

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A TRF Tuesday Event

Embodied Hope

Overview of the Program: 

When we become more present and embodied, we feel more.  We sense more of ourselves, the environment, and the world.  This can allow us to discover more deeply what we are made for, what we long for, and what questions we are in. When we become more embodied, we may also feel more of the pain and struggle of the world.  In transformational work, we say this is “good news.” Not the pain, but the opportunity to feel, to empathize, and to tend to what needs tending.  

In these 4 embodied practice sessions, we’ll explore embodied hope. We’ll discover how to open to a wider range of sensing and feeling, how to notice and cultivate hope, and how to cultivate practices that allow for complexity.

Series Session Titles:  

  • Feb 7: Welcoming our Sensing and Feeling
  • Feb 14: Discovering Embodied Hope
  • Feb 21: Cultivating Embodied Hope
  • Feb 28: Holding Complexity

Staci Haines is the author of “The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing and Social Justice.”  She has been experimenting at the intersections of personal and social transformation for the last 30 years, through the work of somatics, trauma healing, embodied leadership, and transformative justice.  She is the founder of generationFIVE and the co-founder of generative somatics.


NiCole T. Buchanan, PhD

NiCole T. Buchanan, PhD

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