Week 1: When bad things happen
All children will face events that are frightening, sad, or angering to the point where they feel overwhelmed. As adults, our job is not to downplay events that are upsetting to a child, but to help the child turn the event into part of his narrative. In this episode, you will learn how to help a child incorporate sad, frightening or angering events into their lives through storytelling. Addressing and incorporating bad events into a child’s narrative actually helps the child move past the event rather than staying stuck in it.
Week 2: Avoiding shame
Children are susceptible to feeling chronic shame that impairs their ability to recover and connect. This episode will demonstrate how to avoid behaviors which cause unhealthy shame by showing parents, teachers, and caregivers how to deliver discipline or redirection without triggering shameful feelings and how to work on repair with children if they do feel shame.
Week 3: How to make a child really feel heard
Kids can be so demanding and sometimes, it feels like nothing you say can sway their capricious demands! Find out how to make a child feel understood on a deep level using the technique of PACE (playful, accepting, curious, empathic), so that they can find their equilibrium and start solving their own problems.
Week 4: Helping a child through a tantrum
Learn how to approach a child during a tantrum and provide interventions that will end the tantrums quickly without damaging your connection.
Week 5: Becoming a playful parent, teacher and caregiver
Kids need to have playful experiences with the adults in their lives so they can feel on top of the world! These kinds of experiences are resilience super boosters! Learn some new activities that incorporate play that will make a child feel fantastic about themselves and you too!
Week 6: Healing a child’s inner hurts
All children accumulate “hurts” over the course of a day; they feel slighted if their friend doesn’t want to play or when they are misunderstood by an adult. These “hurts” can make a child act grouchy and irritable. Discover activities that can soothe the inner hurts so that children can move through their sad feelings and achieve a state of equilibrium.
Week 7: Activities for soothing an anxious brain
Children who are jumpy, anxious, worried and controlling can’t always practice the “coping skills” they were taught. Sometimes they need an adult to help them achieve a basic calm so they can access their more adaptive brain functions. These practical activities can help!
Week 8: Organizing a hyperactive child who is out of control
Jumping on the furniture, swinging from the curtains and knocking you over with their lunging “hugs”? Find interventions to organize a hyperactive child who is out of control in their body with these activities.